Artists' Resource

One of the driving forces in our desire to open a gallery at Fountain Street Studios was to have a place to congregate as artists- to learn from one another, to have a break from the necessary isolation in which we do our best work. Last week we had an opportunity to see that wish come true. Adria Arch, a working artist with Golden Paints, conducted a free workshop at the gallery. Adria spent a couple of hours demonstrating  the unique properties of many of the newest Golden products. About twenty people attended, about half of them from the building. It felt really good to see the gallery as the resource we'd imagined, and to see it filled with artists learning from one another. 

Adria Arch conducts a Golden Paints demonstration in the gallery.

This was just the first of many workshops, artist talks, maybe even movie screenings, that we plan to provide.

Stay tuned!

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