"Mazama 3" by Brenda Cirioni

"Mazama 3" by Brenda Cirioni


Brenda Cirioni
Mazama 3
Acrylic, watercolor pencil and graphite on wood panel
24 x 24 x 1.75 inches

Brenda Cirioni’s “Mazama 3” is a 24 x 24 x 1.75 inch abstract art acrylic painting on birch panel. The mixed media surface with a piled mass of paint skins in the center left is surrounded by transparent washes of dark colors, blue black, green black, lilac, rose, gray and orange. The painting wraps around the sides reducing the need for a frame. It is signed on the reverse, and ready to hang.

Cirioni’s first glimpse of Crater Lake rendered her speechless. In her own words the site was stunningly beautiful and the epitome of transformation. The massive volcanic eruption of Mt. Mazama, 7,700 years ago, which over time created Crater Lake is the inspiration for Cirioni’s new series “Mazama”.

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