Zoe Cinel + Freddie Wiss

May 23–June 5, 2021

“Earth Odyssey” by Zoe Cinel

Tell us about the artwork. What makes it unique?

Earth Odyssey is the journey of a non-resident alien through America. EO is a multiform and ongoing project about immigration and the search for a sense of home and belonging. An alien is any individual who is not a U.S. citizen or U.S. national. A nonresident alien is an alien who has not passed the green card test or the substantial presence test.

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Tell us about yourself. How did you come to be an artist in video/digital media?

I am an artist immigrant from Italy and an interdisciplinary artist. I work with new media, public art, installation and sculpture. My interest and use of video and digital media relates to my immigration status and more recently has increased because of the digitalization of the everyday caused by the pandemic. My work explores ways in which we embody technology and digital spaces: from escaping the hyper presence of surveillance to practices of agency and resistance such as glitch and techno camouflage.

“distill” by Freddie Wiss

Tell us about the artwork. What makes it unique?

Distill is a cinematic meditation of private internalized thoughts that search, grope and contemplate, crying out to be released and silenced.

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Tell us about yourself. How did you come to be an artist in video/digital media? Working in Super 8 led to working in multi-projector multi-image led to video/digital media.