Susan Greer Emmerson
Susan Greer Emmerson’s work is an exploration of the picture plane; it delves into that surface between wall and the environment and expands that surface for the viewer to follow. Her drawings and paintings rise off the wall into three dimensions, forming shadows and caverns, which in turn incorporate themselves into the the work itself. Using surfaces of Tyvek, paper and canvas, she explores below them and expands them outward by heating, sanding, cutting, gluing and plastering their surfaces and incorporating the structure into the imagery. Her work recalls cells and microorganisms, body cavities and organs, and bits and pieces of the natural environment. The marks, strokes, and added materials reflect complex rhythms, incongruities, and the relationships of evolving imaginary organic forms.
Greer Emmerson has exhibited extensively throughout the Midwest and Boston area. She also has performed duties as a juror and a co-curator, and has three times been awarded residencies at the Vermont Studio Center, as well as a residency at the Torpedo Factory in Virginia. Originally from the Midwest where she practiced for nearly two decades as an ear, nose and throat surgeon, she received her BFA in Painting from Illinois State University and her MFA from Lesley University College of Art and Design in Boston. Her work appears in the permanent collections of the Grove Hall Public Library in Boston and the Bloomington-Normal Transportation Center and City Hall in Illinois. She is a member of the Kingston Gallery and Fountain Street Gallery, both in Boston.
Fountain Street Exhibitions: Thrive, Yellow Too!, Yellow