Recreating Nature
Associate Member Group Show
Curated by Gin Stone
August 1 –August 26, 2018
Reception: Friday August 3, 2018
Paola Bidinelli, Patty deGrandpre, Linda DeStefano Brown, Nan Hass Feldman, Catherine Gibbs, Bob Grignaffini, Pat Paxson, Roy Perkinson, Stacey Piwinski, Chris Plunkett, Joyce Pommer, Tracy Spadafora, Anne Sargent Walker
Recreating Nature refers to any artist's interpretation of the outside world. Every artist sees their surroundings with a unique set of eyes. Therefore, as an individual works on a piece, they are immediately starting with their own perspective on it, before a mark is ever made. Realism is defined as the quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life. But as each human will see life uniquely, we then each have our own set of truths about what we see. Artists take this concept a step further by physical manipulation of a material. Implementing marks, making a record of a thing or taking a material and making it into something else.
About the Curator:
Gin Stone is a Core Member of Fountain Street Gallery, and is an ardent environmentalist and lover of living creatures. Stone works in a variety of mediums, but is best known for her humane taxidermy created with reclaimed North Atlantic longline fishing gear. Her next curatorial undertaking opens in October with a Small Group Show at the Cambridge Art Association, which will include her work.

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