Gin Stone
Gin Stone imbues reclaimed North Atlantic longline fishing gear with new purpose by hand-dying, then crafting the material into humane taxidermy sculptures and sculptural wall pieces. She intends to raise awareness of the abuse the oceans face by transforming pieces of landfill into works of art and symbols of hope, calling attention to the consequences of human carelessness and encouraging a new commitment to action.
Stone is a member of both the Provincetown Art Association and Museum and the Cambridge Art Association, by which she was selected for two nationally juried shows. Additionally, she has exhibited numerous juried shows at the Cambridge Art Association and has been invited to feature her work in the New England Collective in Boston. In Tribeca, Stone presented work in the UPRISE/Angry Women exhibition. She was honored in 2017 with the Juror’s Choice Award in LINE, hosted by Attleboro Arts Museum, MA. The fervent environmentalist works from her studio in Cape Cod, MA.

Purchase Gin Stone's work by directly contacting us at Stone's work is also available for purchase on
Fountain Street Exhibitions: Breaking the Rules, Thrive
Gin Stone Press:
More about Gin Stone:
ArtSake | Mass Cultural Council