Joel Moskowitz
Joel Moskowitz starts with a long continuous line that never crosses itself, building up a shape that looks something like a psychedelic maze, or perhaps a system inside the human body. Juxtaposing that shape with something else: a silvery moon, translucent primary colors, a swathe of red. Moskowitz’s images express something outside of the self, resonating with hope, love, and a longing for unity. In Moskowitz earlier work, he painted Hebrew letters conjoined with their corresponding Arabic letters. In doing so, he recalled the historical interconnectedness of Abrahamic religions, while envisioning a future wherein Arabs and Jews peaceably coexist. Moskowitz chose to represent this theme with the written form in order to recognize a common consideration of language as beauty within both cultures.
Moskowitz attended Brandeis University with a focus in sculpture. His materials and subject matter has ranged over the years from oil and plaster, painting with watercolors, creating collages out of scrapped library catalog cards, and drawing with ink and charcoal. He and his wife opened and ran the FrameLoft & Gallery in Sudbury, MA, from 1983 to 2012. An accomplished poet, Moskowitz's poems have appeared in such publications as J Journal and the Healing Muse. His artwork has been displayed extensively, including at the Cambridge Art Association ‘National Prize Show,’ ‘Off the Wall’ at the Danforth Museum, and at the B.J. Spoke Gallery in Huntington, NY, and the Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences in Loveladies, NJ.
Fountain Street Exhibitions: Upended, Sharp Focus, Read Between the Lines, Unspooled, Breaking the Rules, Thrive, Lines of Communication, Yellow Too!, Yellow, People's Choice, Traditions in Translation, Multiplicity, Natural Selection, no limit

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Boston Hassle | Chosen Shows