Settling in with Susan Emmerson

With the change of seasons comes a bumper crop of fantastic new core Artists! We will be introducing them over the course of the Fall. 

Can you tell us a little about your background?

I have lived lived in the Midwest most my life and moved to Boston about nine months ago. I am a retired surgeon so medical images and processes have had a big influence on work.

What is your current focus in the studio?-

The current focus of my work is drawing and painting on altered surfaces such as Tyvek, or paper and canvas that has been manipulated in someway to render it three-dimensional. Lately I have been exploring the process of establishing a new home in the new place and what it takes to create a feeling of home.


Can you talk about your process-how you approach making?

 I like to play with materials and experiment with different ways of using them. I also shamelessly appropriate other artists' techniques, approaches, and use of material - I am constantly on the lookout for some new way to do things. :)