Color and Action With Sorin Bica

Fountain St Fine Art Gallery is happy to continue to introduce you to our new core members. This month we get to know Sorin Bica.

I was Born and raised in Bucharest, Romania. Started to draw and sculpt from early age, than got involved in clothing, shoes and jewelry design. During my early 20s, I also started drawing political cartoons, and painting more seriously. Moved to USA in 1988 and continued to search for my own style, which I developed few years later as a marriage between cartoons and painting. I've always liked the simple form of romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi's art and the "suffering" in bright color in Van Gogh's paintings or the evolution in Picasso's style and the "action" in Jackson Pollock's work, but a trip to Barcelona in 2003 made me see art differently.

I draw and paint every day, people and bits and pieces of my life, in lots of color and light. I see better large and XXL. I use Oil and oil based household paint on canvases that I build myself, occasionally I add mesh, sand and other materials. Lately I'm getting more involved in public art projects.


I don't follow a formula when I work, I just start with an idea, then somehow I get sucked in and wake up from the daze few hours later or when the reality knocks at the door or texts...