We Are You Poetry Reading

This Sunday, June 22, we were thrilled to have five very accomplished poets, from in and outside the U.S., share their work with us.

Alan Britt teaches at Towson University, Maryland.

Mike Foldes is the editor of ragazine.cc.

Flavia Cosma, a Romanian-born Canadian, has published twenty-four books of poetry.

Gloria Mindock, who lives in Somerville, is the founding editor of Cervena Barba Press.

In the video above, poet Alan Britt reads 'Caribbean Gypsy, Nilda Cepero's Poem about her ties to Boston.

The reading was held in conjunction with  “WE ARE YOU INTERNATIONAL: NEW ENGLAND EDITION,” a traveling exhibit organized by the We Are You Project, that presents the work of 36 major contemporary Latino artists, reflecting ancestral heritages from over a dozen Latin American nations. This is the first time this project will be displayed in New EnglandNew artworks have been created especially for the Framingham show. 

More about We Are You Project International

Since its Inaugural Exhibition in 2012 at the Wilmer Jennings Gallery in New York City, this exhibition has traveled throughout the country, and is scheduled for exhibition in Europe later this year. Several new pieces have been added specifically for the Framingham exhibit. We Are You Project is the first comprehensive 21st Century coast-to-coast exhibition depicting current Latino socio-cultural, political, and economic conditions, reflecting triumphs, achievements, risks and vulnerabilities, affecting all Latinos “within,” as well as “outside” the USA. The project is multi-disciplinary, including artists, poets, and film-makers.