It's all in the Details

The three artists whose work is featured in

Sight Lines

, our current exhibit

-Roy Perkinson, Andrew Haines, and Greg Heins-

have been characterized as “poets of the commonplace.” The artists, each 

in their own way,

 transform the mundane details of everyday life.

Roy Perkinson,

Moon, Farm Pond

, oil on canvas

Take Roy Perkinson's

'Moon, Farm Pond'

, for example. The painting captures that moment just after sunset, on an evening where low clouds blur the moon. But the quiet reverie is punctuated by street lights in the distance, a reminder of the bustle and noise not far away.

The juxtaposition of the graphic elements in of Greg Heins'

Dior at Nanterre

are central to this photograph. But the subtler details, the way the patterns in the angles of the streetlights and circles of the signs repeat are what make the photograph work on many levels. 

Greg Heins, Dior at Nanterre, photograph

The bird's eye vantage point of Andrew Hains' 

Old State House

,  draws the eye into the heart of the drawing. But it's the tiny world he creates down there that holds your attention.

Andrew Haines,

Old State House

, drawing.

By focusing on those seemingly unimportant details, 

the artists call our attention to


most people would pass by without a second glance

 and celebrate the way the ordinary

  can be evocative and beautiful.

Please join us for an artist talk for 

Sight Lines,

Sunday April 14 at 3 pm, 

and see for yourself-

up close, and personal.