12x12 panels starting to bloom

Back in January, 100  12x12 in. birch panels arrived in the gallery, wrapped in plastic and naked. Building artists and our members took them, one or two at a time. Many commented that they planned to use this as an opportunity to experiment with a new idea or technique; others were looking forward to working smaller, (or larger) than they usually did. Some discovered that they really loved working on panel as opposed to canvas or paper; for others it was an adjustment.

These panels are the one unifying feature for our upcoming show'12x12'. We've asked our member artists (over 40 at this count) and all the artists who have studio space in the building we share at

Fountain Street Studios

to contribute one or two pieces on these 12x12 in. panels for this show. There is no other common 'theme', subject matter, or medium. Each is for sale at $200, a real value, and a great way to discover a new favorite artist!

(Roy Perkinson, 

Grove Between Fields

, oil on panel)

The panels are starting to return, like birds in the spring, bright with color, each wonderfully different. Based on what we've seen so far, this year's crop is even better than last year's (we had a similar show, 10x10, last April, which was very successful). 


opens on April 20th

(please note, we'll be closed Thurdsay April 19th for installation)

Scout Austin,

Not one Without the Other


mixed media

We'll be posting pictures of more panels as they arrive on our

facebook page

, so check back often for  previews.

Kay Hartung,

Biocell 3

, encaustic and mixed media

Marie CraigComment