My how we've grown!

The transition week between shows is always a frantic one, as the previous show comes down to make room for the upcoming one. It was difficult to say goodbye to

Beyond the Surface: biological explorations in wa

x, a show that was beautiful and lush.

The excitement for the new show is palpable, though, as  our many members bring in pieces for our first ever Members' Show and Holiday Sale. Our roster continues to grow, as you can see from the list at left; thirteen core and associate artists at this count. We have expanded our non-juried membership category, once open only to those with studios within our building, to include any working artist. Several new 'Artist Friend' members have joined us recently.

When we wrote our mission statement way back a year ago, we used the acronym '




upport artistic growth of member and resident artists


xpand the audience and collector base for these artists


ducate collectors and the general public about the joys of an art-filled life



, it's working


NOTE:We will be closed Veterans' Day Weekend in order to hang the upcoming show.


 opens Friday November 18

Opening Reception

 Friday November 18, from 5-9PM

Several other studios in the building will also be open to preview Fountain Street Studios Holiday Stroll, Nov.19-20, 11-5.


Thursdays 10:30-2:30, Fridays 11-8, and Saturday&Sunday 11-5


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