Baby’s first steps

Richard Kattman: Current Work, on view in the Gallery through October 2, 2011

It’s a year, almost to the day, since we got our first glimpse of the space that would become Fountain Street Fine Art. That first year was a whirlwind, and 12 months later, we have accomplished so many of our initial objectives.

In the beginning, Sept. 2010

Check out this video to see how far we’ve come


Although the gallery’s ‘birthday’, the anniversary of our opening, isn’t till February, for us - the ‘parents’- our second year begins now, in September.

Richard Kattman

’s fabulous show is our 6


.The initial buzz and excitement of our startup has worn off. We’re entering the next stage; it’s more difficult now. Our cute new baby is growing, taking steps, forging its identity and presence long-term in local and regional art circles.

We know first-hand the challenges and rewards of the growth phase we’re entering. This fall, in our own families, 3 of our children (we have 6 between us) are entering new phases of their development; one started kindergarten, one high school, one went off to college for the first time. The expectations are higher, the work is harder, but  the accomplishments are even sweeter.

Stick around with us, watch this baby grow!

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