The jury is in!
The gallery received
submissions for INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH at final count,more than we received for our inaugural show back in January. In our opinion, the quality of the work was even better than what we received for that show. Juror
certainly had his work cut out for him. We prepared for his visit by distributing the work randomly throughout the gallery so that each piece was well visible.
He moved methodically through each space within the gallery, looking carefully at every piece, occasionally picking one up to look more closely, or pausing to ask a question. His process was deliberate, his decisions were intent and sure. We asked what criteria he was using; he stated that relationship to the theme was important, and that in addition he was drawn to work that was more abstract in nature, although many figurative works were selected. In the end, he chose
pieces, within the range of what we had suggested as an appropriate number of pieces to fill the space. Painting, drawing, mixed media, photography, and sculpture are all represented.
We're really looking forward to hanging the show, and once the gallery is clear we'll spread the pieces and see which combinations and juxtapositions of work resonate with us. There is some phenomenal work in this show, and hope that when you visit the gallery, you'll agree.
Pick-up of work not accepted is
Fri. 6/10 and Sat. 6/11, 10-2.
The Gallery will be closed
this weekend for installation.
OPENS Fri. 6/17
The Opening Reception is
Sat. June 25, 5-8 PM
The gallery will be open
Fri.-Sun. 11-5 through July 31.
We will close for August.
But stay tuned....the fall promises to be