Roy Perkinson's show extended through June 5th

Roy Perkinson talks about his experiences painting on Monhegan Island, Maine

It was a pleasure to hear artist 

Roy Perkinson

speak on his creative process in the gallery last weekend.

He told one story about his repeated attempts to capture a particular 'mood of light' in one painting, and how, by giving up in frustration, he was able to throw out all his preconceived ideas, start fresh, and try a completely different approach. 

The resulting watercolor, 

Foothills of Monte Amiata


is rich with soft wonderful color, and a glow that makes it one of our (many) favorites in the exhibition. 

Roy Perkinson,

Foothills of Monte Amiata

, watercolor

Because of the popularity of this show, and with the understanding that many people who might otherwise want to visit will be away during Memorial Day Weekend,

Roy Perkinson has agreed to

extend his show through June 5th


Gallery hours are Fri-Sun. 11AM-5 PM (including the holiday weekend). Don't miss it!

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