Save the Date!

Less than three weeks till Open Studios, the busiest weekend of the year at Fountain Street Studios.

The gallery's planning  


, a group show of work by Fountain Street Artists, each on


in. birch panel, each priced at $150, each one of a kind!

Our goals for the 10x10 group show are to promote Fountain Street Studiosas a whole, to show at a glance all the fantastic art the building has to offer, and to encourage each visitor to be an active participant and to really LOOK at the art. 

But mostly, to have FUN!

Open Studios draws a very diverse crowd- everybody from friends, families looking for an afternoon out, first timers trying on the idea of buying original art, to seasoned collectors. We're hoping that the weekend's events in the gallery will appeal to most people wherever they are on this continuum.

Our plan for the show is to make have the p

ieces on the wall unlabeled. We’ll provide printouts of the wall of the FSS show to each visitor to take away with them, with images, names and studio numbers listed. We’ll also print a sheet with artist names omitted, so a guest can go on a ‘scavenger hunt’ to see if he/she can match a piece in the gallery with an artist’s work in the studio. Guests can take one or both sheets.The idea is to ask visitors to take a good look at the work in the gallery, remember and recognize it upstairs, by making a game of it. It’ll be


, but you won’t


to play.

We're having a ‘make your own’


public art event where anyone can make their own


on paper, hang it on a


wall, and take it home with them at the end of the day. We will videotape the installation as it grows and changes. It’ll generate publicity, it’ll draw in visitors, it’ll be


We're also hosting a concurrent show of work by middle schoolers at

McAuliffe Regional Charter Public School

, a public school in downtown Framingham that draws students from several towns in the region. The kids have been creating their own


in. works on paper to display in the gallery.

We'd like to thank the

Local Cultural Councils

of Medway, Natick, Southborough and Weston for helping to sponsor these events.

Our reason for opening the gallery in the first place was to create and foster community, and to spread an appreciation of the importance of art in our lives every day. It may sound all touchy-feely,

but we really believe this



is how it all comes together!

Marie CraigComment