“Fountain Street came into my life in some sort of a surreal story. Or maybe it is the other way around. I was looking for a gallery to apply to and saw an ad for Fountain Street in Artscope Magazine. I went to their website and saw the instructions on how to apply for membership. I really wanted to join a community of artists, and other galleries in Boston either rejected me at this point or I decided that I simply didn’t fit.
Fountain Street was still located in Framingham, and truth to be told it probably would have ended up being too far for me, I don’t drive. Marie and I had scheduled a meeting, and then her car broke. Before we rescheduled, the gallery lost its space in Framingham and was moving to Boston. This was extremely lucky for me. Not only was the gallery moving closer, but it was also recuperating from the loss and needed to grow its membership.
The members love and respect each other in a special way, and I think it’s because FS needed to move very fast to save its vision and mission that the members new and old were excited and bonded during that time. Every day I feel like that strong sense of community, and the gallery format of having a show for two artists rather than one, although sometimes difficult, really gives me a push and stimulates me to grow, improve, and learn. ”