Anita Loomis
Geometric shapes, imbued with personality and expression, characterize Anita Loomis’ work. She poetically represents themes of communication and familial interconnectedness with a pictorial narrative where shapes, colors, and lines symbolically evoke truths. Her background in creating architectural stained glass for spaces of worship, education, and healing predisposed her to her style of expression. This experience has also imparted to her the significant impact that artists have on drawing the attention of those interacting with the environment.
Loomis gained her education from both Framingham State College, MA, where she focused on studio art and the University of Central Florida, FL, where she studied arts management. She has accumulated fifteen years of experience working with stained glass and nearly fifteen more with oil, pastel and watercolor. She has shared her work throughout the North East including the Silver Circle Gallery, CT, Brush Gallery, MA, and Lancaster Arts Association, PA. She works from her studio in Webster, MA.
Fountain Street Exhibitions: Breaking the Rules, Untold Stories, Thrive, Yellow Too!

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