terrain: finding elusive ground
November 19, 2015 - January 10, 2016
Reception November 21, 5-7pm

Lisa Barthelson, Rebekah Bonner, Jessyca Broekman,
Ron Brunelle, Brenda Cirioni, Marie Craig, Nina Earley,
Betty Glick, Joan Goodman. Holly Harrison,
Paul Hitchen, Bruce Hooke, Judy Howie Coury,
Richard Kattman, Lauren Lake, Ann Miller,
Christine O'Brien, Pat Paxson, Paige Berg Rizvi,
Michelle Sarkisian, Richard Schwartz, Pip Shepley,
Roz Sommer, Mary Spencer, Karin Stanley,
Lorraine Sullivan, Nathan Taves, Sarah Trahan,
Margaret Turner, Diane Wiencke, Timothy Wilson,
Jeff Woodbury, Leslie Zelamsky
CONTACT US for more information or to make a purchase.
While terrain denotes the most stable physical aspect of Earth, it can also be ephemeral, philosophical, even imaginary, a field of knowledge and creativity as much as texture and geography.
Artists were asked to Take the word ‘terrain’ as a starting place, to interpret, explore, and stretch the concept, to find visual poetry and play with its meanings. Nearly 200 artists from across the country submitted about three hundred fifty works of art. Forty-one pieces by thirty-nine artists were selected for inclusion into the show.
Juror John Colan commented that, “beyond the literal, there are infinite interpretations for the idea of terrain - as an analogy, or metaphor, perhaps- so many avenues to explore artistically, in any medium”. Colan has asked Shana Dumont Garr, gallery director at the Kingston Gallery and former assistant director at Montserrat College of Art, to choose the awardees from the juried work. Awards will be presented at the reception on November 21.